BMW X9 - BMW X9 2011 concept, Review & Mileage

Khalfi Oussama is an 18-year old
designer from Tunisia. By all accounts,Oussama’s a heck of a designer with a seemingly bright future at his disposal. But as is the case with young hotshots,Oussama’s imagination sometimes goes into overdrive and when that
happens, you get something like this. Looking less like a car BMW would actually produce and more like a machine you’d mistake for a world-mongering Decepticon, Oussama’s BMW X9 Concept certainly doesn’t lack in attention-grabbing details. It’s futuristic and stylistically aggressive design is, well, a little too much for us
to handle. And excuse us if we find
this X9 Concept a little too similar to
that mountaneous four-wheeled
monstrosity Batman used in the Dark Knight - this concept even makes a little referential nudge to the Capes Crusader with that Batmobile-esque set of corner rear lights. It’s not that we don’t like it - we actually do - but Oussama’s concept could use a little toning down. The kid’s definitely got a world of potential, it’s just a matter of refining his skills and learning that too much of something doesn’t always equate t something positive. We’d love to know what you guys
think, though. So have at it and give us your thoughts.
BMW X9 2011 Designed By :
Khalfi Oussama.
(designer from Tunisia).
